Saturday, November 5, 2011

Doctor appointments

This week Liam had his UPOC (updated plan of care) for his speech theraphy at Wolfson's and also his follow up for his throwing up.  Between all three kids I have practically been living in the doctors office over the past month.

We had a great UPOC meeting with his therapist.  Like us she is seeing big improvements in his speech but his consonant deletion continues on multi-syllable words.  His problem with fluency continues to come and go depending on the day.  We have also become aware that his tongue itself has some weakness to it and has since birth.  It makes sense to us now looking back because he word store food in his cheeks and have his tongue sticking out all the time when he was little.  Matt and I would joke that his tongue was too big for his mouth. 

His follow up appointment at his doctors went okay.  He has now been on Zantac and Flonase for a month, his tonsils are still swollen and he had two episodes of vomitting last month.  She ordered some blood work and depending on the results from that will determine which route to take.  She is deciding whether to go to a allergist or a GI dr.  Previously he was only vomitting in the middle of the night, this month it was only first thing in the morning.  If it does happen during the night again she wants me to call her because she is concerned about that.  Good news is we went for the bloodwork and there wasn't any problems with drawing it, he just sat in my lap and the lady did it.  He didn't flinch or anything, afterwords I asked if it hurt and he said no.  He is braver than me for sure.

This week coming up Braxton goes for his follow up on his ear infection.  He is still congested so I am hoping it cleared up, like I said before this is our second antibiotic in 2.5 weeks.  Then Nathan has two fillings to get done, I am sure that won't go as good as Liam's blood draw.  Nathan is usually a scaredy cat.

Other than the doctors appointments we had a pretty normal week, swim practice almost every day and a swim meet yesterday.  It was the coldest day by far this year but the boys did great with it.  I was proud of them, just dried them off and bundled them in blankets until there next event.

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