Well Matt made it home safely last Wednesday and by then I was finally feeling better. Meanwhile Thursday Braxton broke out in a rash all over his body after talking to the doctor I decided to wait and see how he was on Friday. Well on Friday it had spread so since I didn't want to make a ER visit over the weekend I took him in. Thankfully I did because he had an ear infection and the rash was just viral, she thought it looked like strep but it came back negative.
Baseball on Saturday was fun, Liam did fairly well and by that I mean he was paying attention and not playing in the dirt. He was excited to get a slushy and the gas station afterwards, bribery works great.
Then the rest of the weekend we just relaxed and went to church it was a raining weekend from Saturday evening through Sunday, which brought some nice cool weather on Monday and today.
Thanks for everyone who made a pledge for Nathan's Fun Run. He has the most pledges in his class and was so exicted to get all the prizes he received. Tomorrow is the actual run and Liam, Braxton, and I will be there to cheer him on. He said I have to cheer Go Jungle Joggers, that is what his team name is.
Happy birthday Matt!!! Hope you enjoy you Carrabbas and cake the boys and I got you. Can't believe you are 34, we are getting OLD.
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