Sunday, August 7, 2011

Visiting family

Been a few weeks since I last updated, was in Ormond for a week visiting with family.  The boys really enjoyed spending time with their cousins.

Nathan had asked a couple of weeks ago about going skating so we decided to take Nathan and Liam and Valerie, Christopher and Jonathon joined too.  The boys were actually pretty good, after falling a handful of times.  Nathan could even go around the rink without falling. 

We also spent one day at Wet n Wild with my Mom, Darin, Anthony, Dena, Christopher, and Jonathon.  The boys loved it, there was only a few rides they couldn't do because of height restrictions.

Of course we spent a afternoon at the beach, Braxton really enjoyed eating the sand. Everytime I turned my head for a second there was Braxton with a handful of sand going straight for his mouth.  Nathan loved boogie boarding, we really need to go more often it just is so "far" from our house.

In addition we went to the Orlando Science Center and the movies.  Matt and I actually was able to get a true date night, usually Braxton has to tag along because he is too young for KidsPark.  So we went to Bonefish for dinner and went to go see the finally Harry Potter. 

While away Braxton learned a new trick, he sits up in the crib now.  It was so weird the first time I walked in to get him up from his nap and he was sitting up sucking his thumb.  I almost cried, he is growing up too fast.  We also had to go buy him a new carseat today because his infant seat is just about too small.

Just wrapping up the last couple weeks of summer.  We start swimming again on Monday, going to try it for a week and then decide if we are going to join the new team.  I am hoping that both Nathan and Liam can do it but I am not sure if Liam is advanced enough to.

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