Wednesday, May 18, 2011

8 Days and Counting

Eight days until school is out, I am so looking forward to summer vacation.  I am going to enjoy the couple of months of not having to get up at 6am to get the boys ready and spend most of my day in the car.  Sure I still will have swimming practice and speech but at least I will be home most of the day.  Until then our schedule is packed: swim practice, speech, graduation, end of the year parties, doctor appointments, and Braxton 6 month pictures.

I know some of you heard a couple of months back about Braxton's left pupil being larger than his right in dim nighting.  Yesterday we went for a follow up appointment, at the appointment I mentioned to the PO that Matt and I have noticed his right eye doesn't always look as opened as the left.  It isn't all the time but is definitely noticeable mulitple times a day, much more noticeable than the pupil.  With the combination of the smaller pupil in the right eye and the droopy eye lid the PO wants to have a MRI done on him to check from Horner's Syndrome.  I am a little nervous about the MRI just because he will have to be sedated, we go in for that at the end of July.  It was the earliest date we could get for an appointment first thing in the morning.  I know it isn't going to be fun keeping a baby from eating.  Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

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