Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Nathan's Graduation

It was a busy week followed by a busy fourwheeling weekend, just now getting around to writing about Nathan's graduation on Friday night.  Everything went great, he wasn't nervous at all.  His class was the last out of the five to do their performance and he said his line nice and slow just like he was told.  After he walked in his cap and gown on to received his diploma.

He also received his SAT scores back and scored at the first grade level from almost every category except listening.  On that he scored at a 3.7 grade level, don't ask me how because at home he doesn't listen very well.  I had to laugh when I saw that.

So it is the first day of summer vacation and everyone slept until 7, YEAH!!!  Now on to laundry and Nathan's dentist appointment.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Braxton's MRI

Well things went well today.  I woke Braxton up at 2am for a feeding before his 3am deadline, he drank it all a fell right back to sleep.  Then at 6:30 I tried to give him the pedialyte but he didn't care for it at all.

We left for the hospital around 8:30 and checked in a little after 9.  I changed him into his gown, they took his vitals and weight, then asked a bunch of questions.  Then we had to go back out to the waiting room.  Matt stayed with us until around 10:30 when he left to go to Nathan's last day of school party.  We didn't want Nathan to miss out because of Braxton's MRI.  So around 10:45 our nurse called us back and we walked to the MRI area.  There the anesthesiologist and MRI Tech both came out to talk me and sign some papers.  The nurse came and took Braxton around 10:50, ten minutes before our scheduled appointment.

About an hour later the anethesiologist came and got me in the waiting room and brought me back to Braxton, he wasn't happy at all.  The was screaming because he was waking up from the anethesia and at the same time was starving.  They asked me if I had an extra bottle so they could give him pedialyte but I didn't because they didn't tell me I needed one.  Just had one bottle of formula, so for about 5 minutes he screamed while we waited for the anethesiologist to walk up stairs and grab one, you would think they would have one on the same floor but all the stuff in the drawer was for older kids, cookies, apple sauce, juice boxes, etc.  As soon as he go the bottle in his mouth he was happy.  The nurse just took his vitals again, had me get his clothes back on, removed the IV, and gave me discharge instructions.

Sleeping on Daddy in the waiting room

The nurse said that our PO should receive the results in about 5 business days so since Monday is a holiday we probably won't receive them next week.  Thank you everyone for your prayers, we appreciated all of them.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

MRI Date Set

I am a little nervous, not really for the results of the MRI because I know it all is in God's hands but for the procedure itself.  I myself hate IVs, that is the worst part about the whole birthing process, so I can't even imagine how it will be for a 6 month old.  Then having to put him under and me not being able to be there for him is scarely and not being able to eat until around noon it is crazy.

So the MRI is set for Friday at 11, we have to have him there by 9.  He did have a stomach bug earlier in the week so I am praying it is gone and he stays healthy until Friday.  If not it will have to be rescheduled.  Just keep Braxton and our family in your prayers.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's been 6 months

I can't believe it has been 6 months since Braxton came into our lives, the time has really flown by.  He has cut his bottom two teeth, turned over from back to belly, sleeps through the night, has eaten rice cereal and sweet potatoes, and gone on his first family vacation.  At birth he was 7lbs 10oz and 21.5 inches long, today he weighted 17lbs 9oz and was 27 3/4 inches long.  He is our longest baby beating Liam out by 1/4 of an inch.

His dr appointment went well, I talked to his Dr about his MRI and she wanted me to call and get on the first available list.  Unfortunately when I called our insurance pre-authorization hasn't been done so I have to wait for that until we can get on the list.  I am hoping the lady calls me back soon, I really don't want to wait until the end of July for his MRI.  He has had a stomach bug since last Friday so since he was running a slight fever she didn't want to do his vaccines, so we go back next Friday for that.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

First Tooth

Went to Ormond today for my cousins high school graduation party.  We arrived early since Matt had to help with some sprinklers so the boys and I went to my Dad's for a little while to go swimming.  Braxton and I were sitting in a chair on the pool deck and I looked in his mouth and guess what I saw, his first tooth.  He was super fussy yesterday and now I know why and to top it off the right one looks like it will be through by tomorrow.

It is very depressing that my youngest is growing up so fast, by the end of the summer he should be sitting and crawling.  I don't even want to think of a mobile baby in my house.

The boys are having a blast on the swim team, both of there swim skill levels are improving.  Liam has gone from sinking to being able to swim a couple of feet with one breath.  Nathan is able to swim 25M in both freestyle and backstroke, sure it isn't the prettiest but that is a huge improve in just a couple of weeks.  I am looking forward to the first meet the first weekend in June.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

8 Days and Counting

Eight days until school is out, I am so looking forward to summer vacation.  I am going to enjoy the couple of months of not having to get up at 6am to get the boys ready and spend most of my day in the car.  Sure I still will have swimming practice and speech but at least I will be home most of the day.  Until then our schedule is packed: swim practice, speech, graduation, end of the year parties, doctor appointments, and Braxton 6 month pictures.

I know some of you heard a couple of months back about Braxton's left pupil being larger than his right in dim nighting.  Yesterday we went for a follow up appointment, at the appointment I mentioned to the PO that Matt and I have noticed his right eye doesn't always look as opened as the left.  It isn't all the time but is definitely noticeable mulitple times a day, much more noticeable than the pupil.  With the combination of the smaller pupil in the right eye and the droopy eye lid the PO wants to have a MRI done on him to check from Horner's Syndrome.  I am a little nervous about the MRI just because he will have to be sedated, we go in for that at the end of July.  It was the earliest date we could get for an appointment first thing in the morning.  I know it isn't going to be fun keeping a baby from eating.  Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

My boys: Nathan, Liam, & Braxton
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's, hope you all had a great day.

My first Mother's Day as a mother of three was great.  Braxton slept in until 8, so that meant I slept late too.  Might not sound like sleeping in but for someone who normally wakes up at 6 the extra two hours were great.  The boys had me open all there gifts they made for me a school and Matt made breakfast for the family.  Then we went to church, came home a relaxed for a while.

This afternoon we went for an early dinner to beat the crowd.  I picked Japanese, which  I love.  Afterwards we went to Dairy Queen for some ice cream.  While at Dairy Queen Matt pretended to give Braxton some ice cream buy offering him the empty spoon.  His eyes got wide and mouth opened straight up.  Matt and I agreed that it was probably time to try solids since he is showing interest in it.  When we got home I made him some rice cereal and he did fairly well.  Just have to teach him that his bid and hands don't go in his mouth when he has a mouth full of cereal.  My last baby is growing up.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Busy Day

I thought my day couldn't be any busier with Matt being out of town and having to take care of all three boys on my own.  Started out first thing this morning getting all three dressed and fed so we could take Nathan to school.  After dropping him off Liam, Braxton, and I went to the YMCA where I worked out, by the way I had a great workout 3.2 miles in 43 minutes, my fastest time ever.  So afterwards we went to pick up a flower at the flowershop for Nathan's teacher, all the students are bringing in a single flower tomorrow to make an arrangement.  Then back home to put it in water and feed Braxton.  After that we went to take Liam for speech, came home had lunch and the boys took a rest.  Then off to pick up Nathan.

We came home for a couple of hours and the boys finally cleaned there room and we got ready for swim practice.  So get this we are on the way and all of a sudden BAM!!!  Something hit my windshield and a crack starts running across the glass.  I turned around and went home.  Luckly I drove Matt to the airport last night so we changed into his truck and started our drive to swim practice for the second time.  Luckly we made it just in time but now I have to add getting the windshield replaced to our busy schedule for tomorrow.  I think we are skipping soccer practice tomorrow, I really don't want to deal with that.

I thank God that I have a great husband that is constantly helping out with the kids.  I would go crazy if every day was like this.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Swim Team

Tomorrow is the big day, swim team starts.  Both Nathan and Liam are so excited that swimming is starting again.   It will be a busy season for us with practice almost ever evening but hopefully by the end of July Liam will be swimming all by himself.  He told me last night that he can't wait to get a big trophy like Nathan.  My boys are growing up too fast.