I thought my day couldn't be any busier with Matt being out of town and having to take care of all three boys on my own. Started out first thing this morning getting all three dressed and fed so we could take Nathan to school. After dropping him off Liam, Braxton, and I went to the YMCA where I worked out, by the way I had a great workout 3.2 miles in 43 minutes, my fastest time ever. So afterwards we went to pick up a flower at the flowershop for Nathan's teacher, all the students are bringing in a single flower tomorrow to make an arrangement. Then back home to put it in water and feed Braxton. After that we went to take Liam for speech, came home had lunch and the boys took a rest. Then off to pick up Nathan.
We came home for a couple of hours and the boys finally cleaned there room and we got ready for swim practice. So get this we are on the way and all of a sudden BAM!!! Something hit my windshield and a crack starts running across the glass. I turned around and went home. Luckly I drove Matt to the airport last night so we changed into his truck and started our drive to swim practice for the second time. Luckly we made it just in time but now I have to add getting the windshield replaced to our busy schedule for tomorrow. I think we are skipping soccer practice tomorrow, I really don't want to deal with that.
I thank God that I have a great husband that is constantly helping out with the kids. I would go crazy if every day was like this.