Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Liam's Graduation

Liam's graduation went wonderful.  He was really excited about the entire thing.  Each class had their own performance and then afterwards all the kids received their diplomas.  He really sang his heart out, he loves to sing. If only he didn't sound like me when he did. Afterwards we took him out for ice cream at Bruster's. It really was a great evening. 

I can't believe he is going to first grade next year.  He has grown up so fast, he has such a tender heart and loves to please others.  He puts a smile on my face every day.



Wednesday, May 21, 2014

End of the School Year

After a busy school year the year is coming to an end.  I can't believe next year our boys will be in 1st and 4th grade.  Liam is getting excited for his kindergarten graduation on Friday evening, along with his class party on the same day.  Braxton's last day of school is Thursday along with his class party today.  Nathan on the other hand has about 2 more weeks of school, with his last day on June 3rd.

Looking forward to the summer, River City Swim league has started back with their first meet next Thursday.  I was hoping Braxton would be able to join the team but right now his swimming isn't at that level yet.  He is doing great and I am hoping he will get there soon.

We also have a few trips planned for the summer.  I am going to NYC for my birthday and then we are going to TN for a week the first week in July.  The boys really enjoy that trip ever year.

Other than that I plan to have a relaxing summer and another possible move, with our lease ending on July 31st.  Please keep our family in your prayers, that God puts us where we need to be.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Being a stay at home mom is both a blessing and a curse.  Sure I absolutely love all the perks of staying at home: not having to worry about taking off work when one of the boys are sick, going on field trips with them and helping out in their classes, taking them to all their activities, seeing their happy faces when you pull up in the carpool line, the list goes on and on.

Then there is the opposite side of the spectrum you tend to loose your own identity and become Nathan, Liam, and Braxton's Mom instead of Michelle.  I have put so much effort into making their lives as "perfect" as possible I sort of made myself, them, and even Matt miserable at times.  No family is perfect just like no one is perfect and it feels so nice to have that weight lifted off my shoulders.  I can say I am the happiest I have been in the longest time.  I have started focusing on myself and important relationships in my life, number one God and two my husband Matt.  I hate to admit it to the world, but at times I have neglectedMatt's needs just because I was too busy trying to be "perfect".

Matthew, if you are reading this please know I love you with all my heart and I always will :)