School has been going good for Nathan too, he is getting used to the routine and the whinning has almost stopped. Thank goodness it was driving me crazy. He had his first phonics test in which he scored a 99. He is almost through every lowercase cursive letter and even though he complains about all the cursive practice he has to complete, he is getting pretty good for only doing it a two weeks.
Nathan had is classical conversations orientation on Tuesday, there are 7 kids in his class. Turns out he know one girl from the YMCA and boy from church. He has his first class on Tuesday.
Braxton of course is sick again, I am just over it. I know I have said this before but everytime I get into a good gym routine he ends up sick which means I can't go. On Wednesday he came down with a high fever, then Wednesday night it broke and Thursday he woke up with a rash. I know it is just viral but praying it isn't hand, foot, and mouth again. I cleaned all his toys just in case. With Nathan's birthday party on Saturday I just want it gone so both Matt and I can be there, otherwise one of us will be staying home with Braxton.
Nathan received his desk in the mail that we ordered from Pottery Barn Kids. It is really nice and we set it up in the front room for now. Once his bed comes in, should be about 8 weeks, we will move it into his room. Not sure if I mentioned it before but we are moving Nathan into Braxton's room and Braxton will be moving into the boys room. We are doing Nathan's room in the Star Wars Theme.
Not much else happening besides the normal swim practice. Looking forward to Nathan's birthday weekend, will post pictures of it next week.