Been a while since I have updated you all, it has just been so hectic with back to school and getting into a routine again.
Nathan's First Day of 1st Grade |
Nathan started first grade last Monday. He totally loves it and reminds me everyday that he gets to go outside two times a day. I guess that is what is important to a 6 year old. His behavior has been great and I am very happy about that. One top on starting school he also turned 6 last Friday. We had a birthday party for him on Saturday and he had a few friends over in addition to our family.
Then Liam started school this Tuesday, is the 3 year old class and goes twice a week for half the day. He was so upset that he had to wait an additional week to start school. So far he really enjoys it. This week he also started back up speech with the school district. He goes twice a week for 30 minutes in addition to the twice a week he goes to through Wolfson's. His speech continues to improve, which I am grateful for.
Liam's First Day of School |
Braxton turned 9 months this past week, three more months until he is one. It is kind of depressing. He had his 9 month well visit and was 21lbs 11oz and 28.5 inches long. I was finally able to talk to his dr about his MRI results. She explained that sometimes small cysts are just found on the pituitary gland and at this point in time there is no need for concern. In a few years she might have them take another look or if he shows any signs of growth or thyriod problems.
Matt has started up swimming at least 3 mornings a week. It is a little weird nor having him home when the boys and I wake up to get ready for school. He seems to be enjoying it.
I am back to my workout routine, once the cool weather sets in I would really like to run a 5K. I am not the best runner but hope to be able to do it before the end of the year. I just want to get back in shape now that we are done having kids.
The boys swimming is going good, Liam has improved greatly since the beginning of the month. He can now swim 25M without touching the lane rope. They have there first meet on the new team at the end of September.
9 Months |
Other than college football starting this Saturday not much else happening here. We are just excited to take the boys and for Braxton to experience his first FSU game. I will post pictures this weekend.