Can't believe that it has been 8 months since Braxton was born, time has flown by. He is now sitting up, crawling, eating food, and drinking from straws and sippy cups. My little boy is growing up, won't be too long before he is running after his brothers.
Since late January Liam has been studdering very frequently, even closing his eyes when doing it. I had voiced my concern to his therapist and she has been working with him on it even though she wasn't sure if it was a true studdering problem. Then over the last few weeks it has almost stopped. I no longer see him closing his eyes and only notice it a handful of times during the day. He also is getting a lot better with consonant deletion at the end of words. It is so nice to see progress.
Swimming championships are this Thursday, Nathan will be doing freestyle, kickboard, and backstroke and Liam will be doing freestyle and kickboard. I had been debating whether or not to let Liam swim freestyle but on Friday he swam 25M with grabbing along the wall when needed. We will be practicing a couple more times before Thursday just to make sure he will be okay.