Monday, April 25, 2011


Had a great Easter, which happened to be Matt's 33rd birthday along with Braxton turning 5 months.  Busy day for us.

The boys all got baskets full of candy, which they loved.  Liam absolutely loves chocolate and would of eaten his whole basket of candy if I would of let him.  I have no idea how he stays so thin.  We had bacon and french toast for breakfast and then went to church.  When we got home we had a Easter egg hunt for Nathan and Liam and had a early dinner, of ham, cornbread, mac n cheese, broccoli casserole, apples, and deviled eggs.  I bought sweet potatoes but actually forgot to make them.  For dessert we had birthday cake that I had made for Matt.  It was a good day and I even got to take a nap.

Weighted Braxton today and he is up to 17.5 pounds and 26.75 inches.  He is getting so big, 5 more pounds and he will be too big for his infant carseat.  Looks like I will be purchasing a new one soon.

Hope everyone had a great Easter.

Friday, April 22, 2011

No School

No school today so the boys and I went to Ang's Easter Party up at the church.  They had a blast hunting eggs (even though Liam found the lucky egg full of ants) and playing on the big playground.  Then we cam home and took showers and just relaxed.  Matt even came home early.

Yesterday I took the boys to see the Easter Bunny, Nathan wanted to tell him he wanted some Bakugans in his basket.  I explained to him the Easter bunny doesn't take requests, he isn't Santa.  Liam was excited until we got there they he was a little scared but the lady was able to bribe him with a chocolate if he just sat next to the bunny.  So that is what he did even though he wasn't thrilled to be there.

I am looking forward to Easter, going to church and then just having a small dinner at the house.  Bought a ham, my first.  We will also be having birthday cake since it will be Matt's 33rd birthday.  Man he is getting old.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


It is amazing how different three boys can be when they are born to the same parents.

Nathan was a horrible baby, I swear he cried for the first four months of his life.  Looking back I am not sure how Matt and I survived, it was miserable.  At 5 he is such a smart kid, constantly asking questions about things I don't even thing about.  He reminds be a lot of my brother Jake when he was little.

Then Liam was born, I still remember coming home from the hospital and he just slept in his cradle for more than an hour.  Matt and I were in shock, is this how a baby should be.  Now he is the most loving and helpful little boy, though at times he can flip his switch and be stubborn as heck.

With Braxton when we came home he was happy but cried a lot, seemed like he was always hungry.  It was my first time breastfeeding and come to find out he wasn't getting enough milk even though it seemed like he was on the breast 24/7.  After not gaining much weight for a month I went to pumping and bottle feeding, agically he was happy again.  I would have to say he is our happiest baby, constantly smiling and laughing.

When I was little I never imagined myself the only female in my family, now I couldn't imagine it any other way.  God has really blessed me with a great husband and wonderful boys. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

Had a great day yesterday visiting Liam's school.  Parents were invited to the Easter egg hunt with a picnic following, so Braxton and I went and had lunch with Liam.  He loved having his little brother there with him.  Liam found 5 eggs and he was so proud of his job.

So glad it is Friday, looking forward to the weekend.  Tomorrow I am going to my future SIL's bridal shower and the boys are headed to Tallahassee for the Garnet & Gold game. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011


It is amazing how friendship change over the years, you can go from best friends to almost strangers or go from strangers to best of friends.

When I met Lisa my senior year at Florida State she was just a roommate I knew nothing about.  That quickly changed as we became close friends and have remained close even though our lives have change drastically.  We have both gotten married to great men and have become mothers to multiple BOYS.  I would have never guessed 10 years ago our boys would be playing together.

Braxton and Gabriel, they are friends already

It is nice to be able to sit down and talk to someone who has the same values and interest as you.  In this world that is difficult to find and when you do it is really cherished. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

He is rolling over..

My youngest is getting too big:(  A couple of days again he started rolling over from his back to his tummy.  The only problem now is that he still hates being on his stomach for more than a couple of minutes so he throws a huge fit, which includes screaming at the top of his lungs, turning bright red, and sweating up a storm.  That would be fine during the day since I am there with him but at 2am it isn't very amusing, especially since I have been spoiled lately with no night time feedings.

Liam starts his speech theraphy through Duval county schools a week from Monday, they couldn't start this coming week because of FCAT testing.  So with the additional of this speech through Wolfson's Rehab he will be going a total of 4 days a week for 30 minutes.  I really am praying that things continue to improve with his speech, he has come a long way in just this last year.  In January he started stuttering which his therapist said is normal for his age but as his Mom it really worries me.  No Mom wants anything to be wrong with there child.

Nathan received his report card today.  Did pretty good an A, A-, B-, C+, and the rest S's. I was really glad to see he didn't have any needs improvements in any behavior areas.  On the two previous report card he has had problems with resting quietly at nap time.  The C+ was in reading, we are continuing to work on reading at home.  I really want him to be a great reader especially since that was something I wasn't that great in.

Tomorrow I am off to Tallahassee to meet baby Gabriel.  I am so excited to spend the day with Lisa and for her to finally meet Braxton.